Elizabeth Barnesco: Poet on Medium

Into The Image: Vintage Print (published on Medium at https://medium.com/@elizabethbarnesco/vintage-print-ac04199caa3c )

Vintage Print 1:

On my grandad’s mantel, back in the day
Was a print he favoured, illegibly signed
My nana was blind, and when I would stay
She taught me to travel, using my mind
Explorers we two, our world unconfined.
As afternoon passed, together we’d rock,
In her brown fuzzy chair, travel and talk
I’d tell her my dreams. She’d tell me her own,
Until summoned home by chime of the clock.
I still dream-travel, but now, I’m alone.

Elizabeth Barnesco ~ October 25, 2022

Vintage Print 2:

My child-heart’s desire wrought in sepia tint:
Round roofs of grass from some faraway place
In an over-the-mantel vintage print
Marula trees soar with delicate grace
Is that grandad below? I can’t see his face
Road curves around him just out of my sight
And beckons me follow with golden light
Bright hazy sky, at the end of the day
White-hot yet holding the promise of night.
Sun slowly sets, as my dream slips away.

Elizabeth Barnesco ~ October 25, 2022